Anyscale Support

Proactive, responsive and expert support to help you get the most out of Anyscale - The best platform to run your ML & GenAI workloads.

Benefits of Anyscale Support

Faster Responses

Get your deployment and workload issues quickly resolved so you can realize the full value of the Anyscale platform.

Expert Advice

Get help from an experienced Support engineer with escalation to Ray subject matter experts.

Proactive Outreach

Stay informed and receive alerts from the comprehensive system telemetry generated by Anyscale-managed clusters.

Anyscale Support Offerings

Anyscale provides a set of support offerings that are designed to meet your technical and business needs. As an Anyscale customer, you can contact Anyscale for support via email or live chat based on your support plan

Recommended for production workloads
Recommended for mission critical workloads
Initial Response times based on issue severity & support tier
Initial response times Initial response times
Severity 1
Production system is down or severely impacted such that routine operation is impossible and there are no workarounds
4 hours 1 hour
Severity 2
Production issue where the system is functioning but in degraded or restricted capacity and workarounds if available are cumbersome
Within 1 business day 4 hours
Severity 3
Issue where normal business operations are not impacted, or where there are reasonable workarounds
Within 1 business day Within 1 business day
Severity 4
Request for information or feature request with no impact on business operations
Within 1 business day Within 1 business day
Support Service Hours 9 AM–6 PM on business days Severity 1: 24x7x365
Severity 2, 3 and 4: 9 AM–6 PM on business days
Standard Support
(email support, access to documentation, Status Page, Ray community Slack & Discourse forum)
Number of case submitters
Technical contacts who can submit tickets via email or Chat
10 Unlimited
Dedicated Chat Support
e.g. Slack or Teams available during business hours / days
Designated Field Engineer
Advisory services for guided 45-day onboarding, scheduled check-ins, ticket reviews, proactive sharing of product updates and best-practices
Escalation Management
Escalation process to fast-track issue resolution
Anyscale Ray Support
Assistance by qualified Anyscale Ray software engineers in troubleshooting issues on Anyscale Platform
Up to 4 Hrs / Month Up to 8 Hrs / Month
  • Support business hours are from Monday through Friday, from 9 AM to 6 PM (North America time zones (EST/CST/PST/MST)). Support business hours exclude local holidays in each timezone.
  • "Contact" means a unique named user at customer (whether by email address, chat ID); accounts may not be shared.
  • Chat Support channel is not covered under the Support SLA response times.
  • Additional advisory or training services beyond what is included in a Support Offering can be purchased as Professional Services or Training Services which will be delivered by our Professional & Training Services team.
  • Severity 1 issues must be submitted via Emergency email (shared with Enterprise Support customers) with a detailed description of the issue.