Join us at Ray Summit, a free, online event this Fall.
The videos and slides are now available for the fourth Ray Summit Connect, August 12, 2020.
For your convenience, there are separate videos for each talk and for the Q & A and panel discussion at the end.
Introducing Ray Serve: Scalable and Programmable ML Serving Framework, Simon Mo (Anyscale): video, slides.
Building Scalable Natural Language Processing Pipelines with Ray, Qingqing Mao (Dascena): video, slides.
Project Zouwu: Scalable AutoML for Telco Time Series Analysis using Ray and Analytics Zoo, Ding Ding (Intel): video, slides.
Q&A and panel discussion with the speakers, moderated by Dean Wampler: video.
This is our last Connect for the Summer of 2020. Join us for Ray Summit next month!