Videos and Slides for the Second Ray Summit Connect, June 17, 2020

By Sophia DeMartini and Dean Wampler   

The videos and slides are now available for the second Ray Summit Connect, June 17, 2020

For your convenience, there are separate videos for each talk and for the Q&A and panel discussion at the end.

  • Distributed Hyperparameter Tuning, Richard Liaw (Anyscale)videoslides.

  • Geometry-Aware Gradient Algorithms for Neural Architecture Search, Liam Li (Determined AI)videoslides.

  • Trading off Model Size and Accuracy for BERT with Ray and SigOpt, Meghana Ravikumar (SigOpt)videoslides.

  • Q&A and panel discussion with Richard Liaw, Liam Li, and Meghana Ravikumar, moderated by Dean Wampler: video.

For the next events, please visit In particular, the second live tutorial for the new Anyscale Academy and the next Ray Summit Connect:

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